Outputs from ITS workshop  

Thursday, November 15, 2018

"Improvement of mobility within the scope of the Rondes of Barcelona" 


Around forty people gathered at the conference on STIs in the Rondes. The assistants belonged to all the entities with interest in the management of the Rondes, such as muncipalities, Generalitat, the port of Barcelona, security bodies, etc.

The session had five speakers who gave a variety of views about experiences in other cities with problems similar to those in the Rondes, methodologies for good management of this type of project and a vision about the future regarding the implementation of systems C-ITS, its evolution and impact on mobility.


After the presentations, attendees participated in a group dynamic related to four topics of interest to identify problems and solutions associated with mobility in the Rounds, the challenges of the future regarding the use of C-ITS systems to improve the conditions of use of them, as well as their integration in the city.

You can download the documentation of the Workshop, along with the presentations and conclusions of the same:








Anara Buedo, Ajuntament de Barcelona

INMAB Project. Overview

Suzanne Hoadley, POLIS

Examples from Europe on tackling high capacity road challenges

Leo van den Berg, De Verkeersonderneming

Together we keep our region accessible

 Javier Berges, Madrid Calle 30 

Madrid Calle 30

 Koldo Berasategui, IDOM Análisis para el desarrollo de servivios cooperativos en el entorno Urbano 





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